Want to take your self-care to the next level without feeling pressured? Try these easy New Year’s Resolutions tailored for weight, menopause, and longevity.
5 Tips for Better Sleep During Menopause
After a tiring day, you snuggle under the covers, hoping to drift off to dreamland. But instead, you lie awake, and the minutes (or hours) tick by without a dream in sight. Or maybe you fall asleep quickly, but wake …
The Trick to Surviving Halloween (and Beyond) During Menopause
When you think of the gorgeous colors of autumn, what comes to mind? Orange pumpkins and golden leaves? Or orange Reese’s cups and yellow M&Ms®? As Halloween approaches, and well into the holiday season, colorful displays of candy greet you …
How Do I Know if I’m in Perimenopause?
Even though Perimenopause Awareness Month (September) is over, I wanted to address this important topic in “Ask Andi Anything.” Because, unlike September – which lasts just 30 days – perimenopause, for many women, can last from a few months to …
Ask Andi Anything: Hormone Creams, Aging & Uterine Bleeding in Menopause
Welcome to the second edition of “Ask Andi Anything!” on The Change Is Personal. I’m going to jump right in answering questions submitted by our readers after our first “Ask “Andi Anything!” blog. Q: Dear Andi, I started using testosterone …
Balancing Your Weight and Hormones Simultaneously Could Have Bigger Benefits: Here’s What the Research Says
If you’ve been following the The Change Is Personal blog, you’ve undoubtedly seen some of our articles about hormones and weight management. As a woman experiencing perimenopause or menopause, weight gain is often one of the first (and most frustrating) …
New Blog Series: Ask Andi Anything!
What if you had a pharmacist at your fingertips? An expert in Women’s Health, whom you could ask anything and get reliable, informed answers backed by research and years of experience? Welcome to “Ask Andi Anything!” – a new blog …
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it Possible to Reduce the Odds of Dementia?
Dementia. It’s a frightening word and can be worrisome to imagine living with this condition. The good news is that recent research suggests that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may reduce the risk of women developing dementia. This is exciting …
Hormone Replacement Therapy: The Story Behind the Stigma
“Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night soaked in sweat! Thank you, Menopause!!” said an early morning text from a friend of mine. She went on to say, “It’s so disorienting to wake up like that, trying …
Managing Holiday Stress: Avoid Becoming a Grinch (Or at Least, Less of One)
I saw a meme the other day that said: Them: What did you get your husband for Christmas? Me: The ability to not have to worry about anything other than showing up Christmas morning and taking half the credit. I …