Want to take your self-care to the next level without feeling pressured? Try these easy New Year’s Resolutions tailored for weight, menopause, and longevity.
Ask Andi Anything: Hormone Creams, Aging & Uterine Bleeding in Menopause
Welcome to the second edition of “Ask Andi Anything!” on The Change Is Personal. I’m going to jump right in answering questions submitted by our readers after our first “Ask “Andi Anything!” blog. Q: Dear Andi, I started using testosterone …
New Blog Series: Ask Andi Anything!
What if you had a pharmacist at your fingertips? An expert in Women’s Health, whom you could ask anything and get reliable, informed answers backed by research and years of experience? Welcome to “Ask Andi Anything!” – a new blog …
What Are “Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals” and How do They Affect Human Sexuality, Fertility, and Hormones?
I recently read an excellent book called Nobody Wants You Healthy. It explores the root cause of many chronic diseases and the role of hormone therapy in avoiding and managing those diseases. The author is Mark Richards, MD, a Yale-educated surgeon, …