5 Tips for Better Sleep During Menopause

Balancing Your Weight and Hormones Simultaneously Could Have Bigger Benefits: Here’s What the Research Says

Where Did My Eyebrows Go?

Belmar Pharmacy Takes a Look at Menopause at the Office

Book Review: No Filter by Paulina Porizkova

3 Things Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Hormone Replacement Therapy and Menopause

What Are “Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals” and How do They Affect Human Sexuality, Fertility, and Hormones?

Meet Dr. Hot Flash

I Am Invincible and On My Own

Linda Williams
Chief Growth Officer, Belmar Pharma Solutions and Co-Founder of the Hormonal Health Institute
Linda, recently described by a close friend as “a study in opposing forces including fierce and kind, independent and connected,” Linda has assumed the role of Chief Connection Officer at work and in her personal life.
Linda’s professional and personal interests collide, and throughout her career, she has orbited the healthcare, wellness, and beauty worlds and is a believer in constant evolution and reinvention. (Read her LinkedIn bio). Passionate about empowering women to take control of their health, she will tell everyone she meets about hormonal health.
Linda hates to be bored, loves a good puzzle, and lives to spend time with friends who are family and family who are friends.
Linda's Wing Women Triple Play
Q: If your life had a mantra what would it be?
Evolve or become irrelevant.
Q: If you were a color, what color would you be?
Q: What is your attitude about aging?
Don’t accept the status quo. Personally, I’m going for ageless. I most admire women who transcend their age, and they all have several things in common, I’ll explore those variables in my blog posts.
Linda lives in a little seaside town on the East Coast with her favorite husband Trevor, and Benjamin Franklin and Charlotte Rose her dachshunds.